Someone or some ones came to me in the night. They gently tapped about the circumference of my skull until they could remove the top bit like a cap. Then, they reached in and took my brain. They got in their car, and drove to the beach, with my brain in a cooler rested upon a few water bottles and an egg salad sandwich. They got to the beach, they drank their water, they ate their egg salad, and they rolled my brain out onto the beach. They built a sand castle around it, then played Godzilla and knocked the castle down. They did it again, and again. When the hunk of fat was thoroughly engrained with the tiny rocks, they put it back in their cooler and headed back. They came to me again, and replaced my brain, now gritty and scratchy. They welded the cap back on.
Of course, I remember none of this. All I have to go off of is the feeling in my skull, and this huge disfiguring scar.